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      Patient Assistance Program Center


Patient Assistance Program

Patient assistance programs (PAPs) are programs created by drug companies, such as ABBOTT NUTRITION, to offer free or low cost drugs to individuals who are unable to pay for their medication.  These Programs may also be called indigent drug programs, charitable drug programs or medication assistance programs.  Most of the best known and most prescribed drugs can be found in these programs.  All of the major drug companies have patient assistance programs, although every company has different eligibility and application requirements.

The ABBOTT NUTRITION patient assistance program offers free medication to people who otherwise cannot afford their medications.  Patients must meet financial and other program specific criteria to be eligible for assistance.

To find out how to apply for medication assistance from the ABBOTT NUTRITION patient assistance program, visit our Patient Center and use our Database to search for the medication needed.

For a complete listing of ABBOTT NUTRITION medications available through their patient assistance programs, see below:

Abbott Nutrition Patient Assistance Program

      The medications available through this program are:
  Calcilo XD Powder (Calcilo XD Powder)
  Cyclinex-1 Powder (Cyclinex-1 Powder)
  Cyclinex-2 Powder (Cyclinex-2 Powder)
  EleCare (EleCare)
  EleCare Jr. (medical food)
  Ensure (Ensure)
  Ensure Plus (Ensure Plus)
  Glucerna 1.0 Cal (glucerna)
  Glucerna 1.2 Cal (Glucerna)
  Glucerna 1.5 Cal (glucerna)
  Glucerna Shake (Glucerna Shake)
  Glutarex-1 Powder (Glutarex-1 Powder)
  Glutarex-2 Powder (Glutarex-2 Powder)
  Hi-Cal Drink (nutritional supplement)
  Hominex-1 Powder (Hominex-1 Powder)
  Hominex-2 Powder (Hominex-2 Powder)
  I-Valex-1 Powder (I-Valex-1 Powder)
  I-Valex-2 Powder (I-Valex-2 Powder)
  Jevity 1 Cal (Jevity 1 Cal)
  Jevity 1.2 Cal (Jevity 1.2 Cal)
  Jevity 1.5 Cal (Jevity 1.5 Cal)
  Ketonex-1 Powder (Ketonex-1 Powder)
  Ketonex-2 Powder (Ketonex-2 Powder)
  Nepro with Carb Steady (Nepro)
  Osmolite 1 Cal (Osmolite 1 Cal)
  Osmolite 1.2 Cal (Osmolite 1.2 Cal)
  Osmolite 1.5 Cal (Osmolite 1.5 Cal)
  PediaSure (PediaSure)
  PediaSure 1.5 cal (pediasure 1.5 cal)
  PediaSure Enteral 1.0 Cal (PediaSure Enteral 1.0 Cal)
  PediaSure Enteral Formula with Fiber (PediaSure Enteral Formula with Fiber)
  PediaSure Harvest (pediasure harvest)
  PediaSure Peptide 1.0 cal (PediaSure Peptide 1.0 cal)
  PediaSure Peptide 1.5 cal (PediaSure Peptide 1.5 cal)
  PediaSure with Fiber (PediaSure with Fiber)
  Perative (Perative)
  Phenex-1 Powder (Phenex-1 Powder)
  Phenex-2 Powder (Phenex-2 Powder)
  Pivot 1.5 cal Drink (medical drink)
  Promote (Promote)
  Promote with Fiber (Promote with Fiber)
  Propimex-1 Powder (Propimex-1 Powder)
  Propimex-2 Powder (Propimex-2 Powder)
  ProViMin Powder (ProViMin Powder)
  Pulmocare (Pulmocare)
  RCF (Ross Carbohydrate Free) (RCF (Ross Carbohydrate Free))
  Similac PM 60/40 (baby formula)
  Suplena (suplena)
  TwoCal (TwoCal HN)
  Tyrex-1 Powder (Tyrex-1 Powder)
  Tyrex-2 Powder (Tyrex-2 Powder)
  Vital 1.0 (Vital 1.0)
  Vital 1.5 (Vital 1.5)
  Vital AF 1.2 cal (Vital AF 1.2 cal)
  Vital High Protein (vital high protein)
  Vital Peptide 1.5 Cal (vital peptide 1.5 cal)
  Pro-Phree Powder Pro-Phree Powder
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